Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My friends are so encouraging!

"Satan will only attack you if it is something that the Lord wants you to do.  Or something that can be used to bring him glory.  Take the trial as a blessing!  It happens to everyone...  You are not alone!"
 I hope you find some inspiration in this quote from an email I received last night. Veronica is one of my role models. She loves Jesus so much and is always ready to give a hug and a sweet smile. I love her so much!!

1 comment:

Moriah Simonowich said...

Friends are indeed something to treasure...always! I am SO thankful to God for my friends--they are truly a gift in my life.

I love that quote, btw. :)

Oh, and in answer to your question about which font I used in this post...

it is called "Pupcat". I edit most of my pictures on, and this was one of their fonts. :)

I'm sorry it has taken me awhile to answer your question. *blushes*

Much <3 in Christ,