Monday, April 30, 2012

Beginning the Count...

I've wanted to do this for a while... start a list of one thousand gifts that God has blessed me with. Breanne and I decided to do it together- keep each other accountable. I made us matching books and viola! We had a project! I started tonight and my list keeps on growing.
  1. The Redeeming Grace of Jesus Christ
  2. Parents teaching us to trust the Lord
  3. All eight of my brothers and sisters
  4. The knowledge that 3 of them are safe in the arms of Jesus forever
  5. A community that is so supportive of homeschooling
  6.  My beloved HPA
  7. The first weekend of Fiddler shows going well- To God be the Glory!
  8. Twin girls sitting on my floor strumming away at the guitars and singing their little hearts out
  9. The best friends in the entire world
  10. Three friends praying with me at different times on Saturday- Katherine, Katie and Andy
  11. Hannah calling up the stairs "Yinds! Where are you?"
  12. My little yellow camera, whose lens captures memories never worth forgetting
  13. Teachers who understand the craziness of show week and extend grace- and deadlines.
  14. Kari Jobe's "Steady My Heart" in moments when my heart needs steadying
  15. Writing gifts with my "----------- Lawncare" pen
  16. A 15 minute conversation with John about his growing business
  17. A {really} great score on my narrative paper returned today
{Will it be every Monday I share here? I don't know. I'm hoping it keeps me accountable, but I'm holding myself to a standard of grace, not perfection.}

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What I've been up to...

Fiddler opened on Thursday and it's going wonderfully. :) Yesterday Mr. Dan and Mr. O decided to jump in the Russians' practice while Ella, Anna and I tied candy bags. Thankfully, I had my camera ready. These are the only pictures I'm allowed to post right now, until the show is over.

Be ready for lots more pictures once we close next weekend. :)

P.S. She came yesterday. It was wonderful. and yes, I have a picture.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Because it makes me smile...

Obviously this picture is quite old... almost two years.  But it was the only picture I had.
Last Saturday, my dear friend Katherine and her brother Matthew took me up to see HPA's production of The Wizard of Oz. It was a great show, but it's more the memories that make me smile when I think about it.

Cause you see that guy up there? The one sitting next to me? His name is Mr. Cole and he's amazing. I'll probably talk more about him later, so for now, you'll have to take my word on it.

So when we went to Oz... (I love that statement. It sounds like we were actually there- in Oz. ) I was so crazy excited to see Mr. Cole. I hadn't seen him since the wedding (I was too busy looking for certain people at Beast.) And when I finally found him about 45 minutes after the show ended, he was talking to someone on stage. So I went up, expecting a side hug and maybe a smile before going on my merry way. 

He looked straight at me, said "You stay right there." and continued his conversation. I sank down, crossed my legs and rested my head on my fists. Yes, I get goofy with my friends and it was late. 10:45ish. 

Meanwhile, my group of friends was about 10 feet away, talking and laughing. I later found out that Katherine had asked "What is she doing?" and Breanne answered "She's basking in his wisdom." What was I saying about us being goofy?!?!? :)

When Mr. Cole had finish his conversation, I stood up. He picked me up, swung me around and gave me the best hug I've ever received. It makes me smile just thinking about it. I got to talk to him for probably 5 whole minutes. straight. Seriously, guys. It's the little things in life. :)

"Why is this important?" you might ask. Well, it's not. But it's a memory I wanted to catalog. Deeper thoughts coming soon, I promise.